Space Engineers Docs

Just a really quick post: I generated some documentation for Space Engineers scripting/plugins, if anyone wants to check it out its Here. I will try to keep it up to date when updates come out.
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Sbox Unoffical API Docs

Some of the people who have access to the S&Box dev preview may know that the Wiki docs for the API have not been updated in months, which is very annoying. So I created some docs that I will update daily. The docs are generated by de-compiling Sandbox.Game.dll and then using Doxygen to generate docs based on those. These docs should stay relatively up date, as I will be updating them daily, but it may fall a few days out of date from time to time.
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Why Are Static Sites Such a Pain?

Disclaimer: This is more of a rant then a proper post Why the hell is it such a pain to manage a Static Site? Its actually a huge pain. Hosting is easy, but actually making the site is so much harder. For someone like me who works with backend stuff more then front end, just getting this website going was a pain. I initially started with the “hexo” framework for the website, it was easy to use, but it had very little support compared to giants like “hugo” (which I am now using,) but was much easier to use.
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Why Space Engineers Needs to Play Catch Up, Kind of

So some of you may have heard of a game called Space Engineers. (For the rest of this post I am going to assume that you play it and know how it works.) Lately a lot of Space Builder Games have come out, and a lot feel very similar to Space Engineers, and often have a lot of cool features compared to Space Engineers. Maybe you have to wire everything up, maybe you have proper thruster physics, a lot of games coming out to rival Space Engineers have these, but one thing these games have been missing is the graphics, and the polish of Space Engineers.
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